07. Template Jobs Quiz

Sentiment Analysis

Say you work at an airline and you are given this dataset, a csv file of tweets that customers have written about your airline. You've been asked to do Sentiment Analysis for customer satisfaction and categorize these tweets into a few, common sentiment categories.

For the following quiz, refer to the Figure Eight job templates.

What are the default, possible, output labels for a Sentiment Analysis data labeling job? (Check all that apply.)

  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Neutral

Customizing a Template

Often, you'll want something that is close to a template but maybe has a bit more specificity or specific kind of label possibilities. Often a template is a good starting point, and you can customize it to add labels or features, as you need!

It is also interesting to note that in the sentiment analysis case, there is not only a content input option, but also a url which links to the exact, uploaded data source of the content. And you can also add input features, as you customize a job.